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Injuries Treated


Sciatica is pain caused by an irritated nerve. The sciatic nerve originates at L4 (bottom of you lower back) and spans the length of you whole leg. When this nerve is irritated you can get pain, numbness, tingling, electric shock shooting pain, your pain may be constant or specific movements may cause pain.

There are may caused of an irritated nerve it could be your spine (slipped disk), spinal stenosis (narrowing where the nerve passes through the spine), back injury, muscle spasm, or infection.

What we do to help?

In physiotherapy we can assess the cause of your pain, confirm it is sciatica or what other condition is causing your pain, Once we have confirmed the cause of your pain and we have discussed how this affects your daily life through a discussion about your pain, medical history and specific questions, we then do a physical assessment. After this we discuss the treatment options usually this involves some of the following; massage, rehabilitation exercises, acupuncture, joint mobilisation, Pilaties. Where treatment is not suggested we may look to refer you on to other professionals

If you have any questions or specific treatments in mind please discuss with your treating therapist, we are happy to talk through the assessment and treatment process with you